Landon loves Thomas the Train so what would be more appropriate than to see him in person!! We went to Henry Ford Museums Greenfield Village to see him and we went with some great friends. Landon, Clark, and Cora loved riding the train and waving at everyone. I did not know that Landon had such a sense of humor. They had a magician perform some very 2 year old appropriate magic tricks, in other words it was a little lame. Landon loved it though he was slapping his knee laughing and holding his face in shock and eventually clapping in the end. We actually made this a two weekend trip because we have a membership to the park so we went the next weekend for free ( we did not pay to ride Thomas again). Landon took a new group of friends and had just as much fun.
Landon and Sir Topham Hatt
Landon and Ashlyn holding hands
Landon and Clark clapping at the Magician
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