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Thursday, February 5, 2009

Yes I am shocked to!

So we had totally given up on having another baby. Todd and I had a bad experience with the fertility clinic in December so we were done. In short they were going to be closed on the holidays which meant no treatments. I just don't get who gets into this industry and is not open 365 days a year! So we took things into our own hands and did the drugs ourselves. I know, I know now you are thinking I am like the crazy lady in California who just gave birth to 8 after she already had 6. Well those that really know me know I am a little crazy. I took a pg test 2 days before my cycle was to start and it was negative which was not shocking. We thought from the beginning this would be a long shot. So then about 5 days later I saw the pg test under the sink and just thought why not and then a nice little plus sign showed up. I called Todd to see when he would be home when he said not till 9 pm I just let the words I am pregnant come out. He thought what the heck she would not joke about this. Next thing I know he is on his way home and telling me to drink up because he was picking up more tests. So 2 tests later and we were sure. We are so excited and even Landon is really happy. He tells us all the time his brothers and/or sisters are coming. We can not believe how blessed we are. We are very thankful for this opportunity to be parents again.


LizzieB said...

OHMYGOODNESS!! Yea!!! I'm so happy for you guys! Amazing! You'd better keep us all up to date on everything!

Gail said...

YOOHOO!!!! It's great to add another grandchild/grandchildren to the family! And when a child comes to wonderful parents as you are, all are blessed. Congratulations!!
Dad and Gail

spaceyhawks said...

Congratulations!!! I'm so happy for you guys! That is really fantastic!