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Tuesday, August 25, 2009

We have a date!!

So we are so excited that we have a c-section date for Savannah! She will arrive on September 18th one month shy of Landon's 4th birthday. It just seems crazy that it is here. I have to admit that I am ready. She seems to be so active and is taking up every last bit of space in my body. I guess it is just the usual lots of heartburn, no sleep, hard time breathing, and moving.

Sometimes it still seems so strange to see the pink and think that not only will we have another child but a girl. Landon is really excited and can't to wait for his sister to come. He tells everyone what her name is and that he loves her. He loves to kiss my belly and whisper things to her. For now he is even excited to be sharing a room with her, I am sure that could change.

I know that we were so blessed to have Landon and now to have Savannah is a absolute miracle.


Elizabeth said...

Wow! I just read the rest of your summer details! I'm so glad things have worked out, and that life seems to be in a groove now. I can't wait for little Savannah to be born, and I LOVE the name. Good luck with everything and post lots and lots of pictures.

PS, the mooning incident was hysterical. Nice one!

spaceyhawks said...

I'm so excited for you that you are having a girl. I have been so behind in everyones blogs. Congratulations to you guys, I can't wait to see pictures.

Gail said...

Wow!! Time has flown, but probably not so much for you. But now you can count DAYS, not months! Yeah!Love Savannah's name! I'm so happy for your sweet little miracle.

Amy said...

Wow, Shannon! What a summer you've had! I'm hoping that congratulations are in order since it is after 9/18 :)

Also just wanted to let you know that I started a blog for our adoption stuff :) check it out at

Hope all is well!